Hot Meals
Hot lunches are available from the 'Lunch Lounge' each day priced £2.70 (as of Sept 24). This includes a main meal, salad, pudding, water & bread.
Hot Meals
- Menus & allergen lists can be found below - please note Jacket Potatoes are not readily available - they must be pre-ordered two weeks in advance by emailing
- Sandwiches are not part of our Hot School Meal Menu
- Hot Meals can be paid for via School Gateway. Register on or download the app from your App Store.
- Pupil Premium children are entitled to a free hot meal. To find out more see below.
Packed Lunches should be healthy:
- No foods containing nuts are allowed in school (including chocolate spread & peanut butter)
- No chocolate, other than biscuit based chocolate snacks
- No sweets or high sugar foods
- All children should have a packed lunch drink as well as a water bottle.
Children can bring to school a piece of fruit each day, for break time. Reception, Year 1 & 2 are provided with fruit.
Feedback from parents who have recently taken the opportunity to experience the 'Lunch Lounge'...
"I was very impressed with the portion size. It felt clan and tidy in the hall and there was a really good atmosphere amongst the children who were all very bubbly and happy to be there. It seemed a well oiled machine" Reception & Year 3 Parent
"I was very pleased to find out that everything was clean, the meal was so tasty and all the smiling faces everyone had." Reception Parent
"I was very impressed with the school lunch. My thoughts before were as lunch is transported the veg would be soggy and the meat dry. This wasn't the case at all!! The portions are a good size, the hall was very calm and the children I sat with were VERY polite". Reception & Year 2 Parent
“I thought the process was very professionally run, the children were very well behaved and both the quantity and quality of the food was good” _ Year 3 parent
Is your child entitled to Free School Meals?
All mainstream schools in Buckinghamshire have an obligation to provide Free School Meals to eligible children that attend full-time. Parents must apply directly to the school if they consider their child or children eligible to receive these meals. Eligibility is judged against the level of benefits that the applying parent/carer is entitled to.
If parents are in receipt of the qualifying benefits (see Eligibilty below) or have applied for them, then they should complete the application form for Free School Meal Provision. The school can then process your application.
Eligibility Criteria
Once you have returned an application form, the school informs the Local Authority (LA) of your details. The LA will then check the pupil's eligibility through the DfE Eligibility Checking Service (ECS) website. They will then advise the school as to the eligibility of the pupil. If a child is not deemed eligible by the ECS then the school may try to follow this up with parents, checking paper evidence if there are doubts over the results.
Under current regulations, only children whose parents/guardians are in receipt of the following will be entitled to Free School Meals:
- Income Support (IS)
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA)
- An Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit - unless you meet any of these criteria:
- i) entitled to working tax credit (regardless of income)
- ii) have an annual income in excess of £16,190 (this figure changes every April)
- Support Under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act
- Guarantee element of State Pension Credit (GE)
To apply for Free School Meals, please contact the school office or complete the application form below.