It is always so important to be prompt in life and there are times when something means we are all a little late on occasions. But it is consistent lateness that is of major concern to SMFR as it begins to raise concerns, not only on the impact this has on the learning and ability for the child to feel settled and relaxed at the beginning of the day, but also may be pointing to there being a need to support a family in other ways.
Registration opens at 8:50am. Pupils arriving after 9.00am will be marked as present but arriving ‘late’ (Code L). The register will close at 9:30am. Pupils arriving after the close of register will be recorded as late (Code N). This will not be authorised and will count as an absence for that school session or until a reason is shared by a parent for the lateness.
Lateness adds up and does have a negative effect on well-being.