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St Mary's Church

Our Community Clergy Team at St Mary's Farnham Royal

The team at St Mary's are probably well known to most of you and they play an important role not just in the local community but within our school community too.  The Clergy Team give a weekly assembly to the school as well as allowing us to visit the Church for our Termly School Services and other special events such as Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day and the Yr 6 Leavers Service.

Priest in Charge:  Rev'd Chloe Willson-Thomas Tel - 01753  642163

The Church Office: Tel - 01753 644130       

Associate Priests: Rev'd Jan Clark   Tel - 01753 646546      

Church Wardens:

  • Mrs Liz Glover
  • Mr Jerry Houdret

You can contact the clergy team using any of the following means

In person
The Church Office is open this week on Wednesday from 9.30-12.30
St John's Church
Victoria Road
Farnham Common

By Telephone
Jan 01753 646546 or the Church Office on  01753 644130
(leave a message if necessary)

Services and Times

Here are the service and times for a usual month at St Mary's

Of particular interest and recommendation for children is the monthly Family Service held on the 1st Sunday of each month.  This is a service aimed at children and families. It is not a full communion and lasts about 45 mins.  It is a great way to begin to get involved in our local church community and many of our children and their families attend these very popular services each month.  Why not come along and experience it for yourself?

Usual Services and Meetings

Parish Communion 11.00 am
2nd and 3rd Sundays in each month; 4th Sunday is a United Benefice Communion - see Church Notices


For further information please contact the clergy.