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Year 3 King & Obama Classes

Welcome to Year 3!

Our classes have new names!

King 3JB  :  Mrs Birch/ Miss Johnson
Obama 3J : Ms James     
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Sliski

Welcome to the Autumn term in Year 3. We have a long but full term ahead of us, filled with exciting topics which we hope will enthuse our classes.


In Maths, we will be learning about place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


We will be basing our activities on the following books:

Religious Education (R.E):

We will be reflecting on the  big questions of:

Does taking bread and wine show that someone is a Christian?

Is Light a good symbol for celebration?


We will be learning about:

Animal Nutrition and the Skeletal System


Through the ages-From the Stone Age to the Iron Age


Colour Theory 


Healthy Balanced Diets/ Making Ratatouille


Children will have one homework book.  The children will stick their weekly spellings and homework tasks into their book. If children are absent or have missing homework, they can always ask us for a copy. 

Spellings and homework are both handed out on a Wednesday. Spellings are tested the following Wednesday. Both homework and spellings should be handed back by the following Tuesday.  Please use the LOOK-COVER-WRITE-CHECK method to learn your spellings to the best of your ability.

Please ensure your children are reading regularly throughout the week.  We would expect all children to be reading daily at home, both independently and with an adult.  Their reading record should be signed at least 3 times a week by an adult.  Please also ask your children to write comments in their reading record about what they have read.  They could make comments about what they enjoyed, any words they found difficult etc. Children can also log into Reading Eggs/Eggspress.

At the end of each term, children will be given an optional creative topic-based task to complete over the holidays.  

 Times tables:

Please learn these continuously. TT Rockstars can be accessed by children at home.  By the end of Year 3, it is an expectation that  children know their x2,x3,x4,x5,x8,and x10. By the end of Year 4, all children nationally will be tested on all of their tables up to 12x12 as part of statutory government guidance.

If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to us at the end of the school day or drop us an email and we will endeavour to get back to you within 48 hours.

We look forward to an amazing Autumn Term ahead!

Welcome to our class page. Here you will find

  • Remote Learning (plenty to do whilst you are at home)
  • Homework for this term
  • SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar)
  • Our Curriculum
  • Other resources to ensure you ‘exercise your brain’

Autumn Term Overview

Please send photos/completed Home Learning work through the school office using the email address:           Please just include who the email is for the attention of.    Thank you.

Other resources to ensure you ‘exercise your brain’

Helpful links to support your child's learning:

  • BBC Bitesize Have fun playing our bitesize games for KS2.