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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 Jemison Class!

"Never be limited by other people's imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination."

By Mae Jemison 

6W - Miss Wicks

Welcome to the Year 6 class page! We are in for a fantastic year and there will be some amazing memories to make! On this page you will find:

  • Information about Homework 
  • Reading Expectations
  • Our Curriculum
  • Fantastic links to support learning 
  • SATS support and practice materials.

Please send photos and work completed to your class teachers via the school office:

Please contact the office if there are any queries or speak to Miss Wicks on the gate at the end of the day!


Your child will need to attend school wearing their PE kit on the following days: Wednesday and Thursday


Homework will be distributed to your child on a Thursday and is due in on the following Wednesday

Homework will consist of: 

- 1 piece of Maths work 

- Spelling practise 

- 1 comprehension activity 

Children will be tested on their spellings on Thursday morning. 

Reading Expectations

Reading a range of genres will highly impact your child's literacy skills and we are looking forward to diving into a variety of books with the children this year! Reading Records will be checked every Monday by your child's teacher - please encourage your child to read at least 3 times per week at home. In addition, please ensure Reading Records are signed by an adult. 

Recommended Reading for Year 6

Extra Spellings

SPAG glossary and support

Discovery / Espresso 

Other resources to ensure you ‘exercise your brain’