Church Events
Easter Display at St Mary's Church
To help the local community celebrate Easter, school were invited by Rev. Chloe to investigate the ‘Seven Stations of the Cross’ that depict key scenes from the Easter story. Each year group looked at a different part of the story and then created a variety of work based on this, from creating Easter gardens and art work to writing letters and making models. The work the children produced stayed on display in St Mary’s Church throughout the Easter period so it could be enjoyed by all visitors and members of the congregation.
Easter Display at St Mary's
Mother's Day Service
As always on Mothering Sunday, children and families are welcomed to St Mary's to join in with a very special service to celebrate all that mothers do for us. As part of the service children are given a posy of flowers that they can give to a mother or mother-figure they have in their lives to show how much they mean to them.
This year the children were also given the opportunity to make some sweets to give as a present too. It was great to see so many families in church.
Carols in Farnham Common
In December SMFR was invited to help share in the Farnham's Christmas Tree Festival and so took members of the school choir along to share in the excitement. This year marked the first of what is hoped to be many annual Christmas Tree Festivals and was organised by the United Benefice, in partnership with the Parish Council and Burnham Beeches Rotary Club. It was wonderful to see so many people turn out to support the event. The choirs from Farnham Common Junior and St Mary’s Farnham Royal sang some Christmas favourites and all joined in with the singing of carols. So many families came along to support their children and many indulged in a mince pie and a glass of mulled wine or two! Father Christmas also helped lead the singing.