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Maths Events at SMFR

NSPCC Number Day at SMFR- February 2024

On Friday 9th February, we took part in NSPCC Number Day.  The children were encouraged to come in wearing a digit.  The children had some fabulous ideas, including homemade hats and t-shirts. 

To begin the day, we had a whole school assembly celebrating the work of the NSPCC, why Maths is important to our every day lives and what makes an SMFR Mathematician.

We came up with a whole school motto for the day: 'Have fun, try your best and never give up! As well as this, children took part in fun Maths activities during the day, which included  lots of game based maths activities during lesson time. 

Year 6 Number Day Maths Hub:

Year 6 set up and their own Maths Hub.  Each year group were invited to Year 6  to have go at the challenges year 6 had set up and the year 6 children were fantastic when encouraging and supporting the younger children.  It was brilliant to see lots of children persevering with difficult puzzles!  The room was buzzing with positivity! There was a wide range of games the children could play that were focused on different Mathematical skills (e.g. counting money, rounding, sorting fractions.)

We think this day really helped to promote the importance of Maths and how it is an essential life skill as well as showing the children that it can be fun, therefore igniting their love of numbers.  Thank you so much for your support.  As well as having a lovely day, we raised £94 for the NSPCC.

Times Tables Rockstar Day- November 2023

On Friday 10th November 2023, The children at SMFR rocked out! To relaunch Times Tables Rockstars at school, SMFR had a jammed pack day of times tables activities. The day kicked off with a whole school assembly that was filled with fun and laughter! The children learnt about what rock status they could achieve and also the games available to play.

Throughout the day, the children designed new rock star characters, play times tables board games and even had a go on Times Table Rockstars!

At the end of the day, some children were recognised as the ultimate rock stars and we even had some children who had earnt their Rock star and Rock Legend status!