Pupil Parliament 2024-25
Historically, SMFR have had a School Council with elected councillors from each year group. After a visit to the Houses of Parliament in July 2024, we were inspired to change the name of School Council to Pupil Parliament. This year, we have two sub-committees which discuss the priorities of the school. There is a Maths sub-committee and a Playtime sub-committee.
Lunch in a committee room at the Houses of Parliament July 2024
The House of Lords Terrace July 2024
Pupil Parliament 2024-25
September 2024
Candidates for Class MPs had to speak in front of their class, giving reasons why they would make a good Class MP.
September 2024
We posted our votes in a Ballot Box.
During Pupil Parliament meetings, we have a Speaker of the House who selects who should speak. MPs stand up if they wish to speak.
December 2024
The Playground sub-committee gathered Pupil Voice at lunchtime. They asked the key questions:
If you could have one thing during Playtime, what would that be?
Do you have any ideas how we can stop breaking equipment at Playtime?
Pupil Parliament met to discuss the different viewpoints. We voted that there should be some type of wheeled vehicles available during play.
School Council 2023 - 2024
School Councillors were voted in democratically. We wrote a manifesto containing ideas to improve the school. Each class voted for the person they wanted to represent their class.
This year, our theme is 'Be the Change'. We are hoping to change the school by encouraging children to reuse single use plastic water bottles or to bring a water flask to school.
Tuesday 6th Feb 2024:
Mr Broderick visited our class and gave us feedback about an idea we put forward. We wanted every class teacher to award 50 house points to any child who remained on the Treasure chest all week. Mr Broderick liked the idea but said 10 house points were better.
We will let our classes know after the half-term break.

Tuesday 16th Jan 2024:
A Year 6 student showed School Council an idea she had about running her own cup stacking Club. We surveyed our classes and the majority felt it was a good idea.
November 2023:
We wrote questions for a whole school pupil survey about homework and reading at home.
There were 93 responses.
Question: If you could create weekly homework for your class, what would it look like?
29th September 2023:
In the Autumn Term, we helped Mrs Daly raise money for the Macmillan Cancer charity. We sold drinks and doughnuts.